Thursday, January 19, 2012


Today, I decided to bounce this idea off some people. So I went to the people that I bounce all my crazy ideas off of... the guys in the information security department at work. These provide a great sounding board because:

1. They can argue passionately about just about any topic you can think of.
2. It's a diverse group with lots of backgrounds and interests.
3. They are fun to talk to.
4. They do like to eat.

In particular, "J" is a guy who can provide input on this topic. He's given me good advice before on this topic. ("Where can I find good BBQ in Indianapolis?") "J" has provided a recommendation to get me started. He says that Frankie's in South Bend has some of the best beef tips that he's ever eaten. Thanks, "J"... we'll add that one to the list.

"R" asks me a good question. "What do you consider the Midwest?" Hmmm. I actually hadn't thought about that.

I say: "Well, it should be driving distance from Indianapolis."
"R" asks: "So, St. Louis then?"
Me: "Sure. Maybe even Kansas City. How can you leave out Kansas City?"
"R": "You're right. Where else?"
Me: "Maybe as far South as Memphis."
"R": "How far east?"
Me: "Well, I have to go the Boathouse in Cincinnati. Beyond that, I'm not sure. And for the North, I know that they have plenty of good barbeque in Chicago."

I gather some more recommendations and thoughts and then head back to my office to get some work done.

Courtney and I talk it over tonight and decide that a 300 mile radius might be a better. That's a six hour car trip each way... the absolute longest distance that I would want to travel in a car over a weekend.

At this distance, Chicago and Cincinnati are in... Kansas City and Memphis are out.

How it Started

The idea started a couple of weeks ago while my wife and I were watching the Food Network. I think we were watching a Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives show on BBQ joints. Courtney turned to me and said "Let's find the best Barbeque in the Midwest!"

I should say upfront that we are not really spontaneous people. We don't go on "weekend jaunts". The wildest thing we ever did together was when we engaged and we bought last-minute tickets to fly out to Las Vegas. Even then, we didn't do anything crazy. No gambling. No nude shows. No drunken stupors. We went to a Penn and Teller show, hung out at the pool, rode the roller coaster, hit the buffets. Pretty tame stuff... just how we like it.

Marriage, 3 boys and 1 MBA degree later... our life is content and blessed, but admittedly, sometimes it's not all that exciting. We certainly don't have any really cool stories to tell people at cocktail parties. Now that I think about it, maybe this is why we aren't invited to many cocktail parties. Hey... do people even still have cocktail parties?

My MBA is finished and the kids are now old enough to travel well... We could actually do this. We'd certainly have fun trying. Fun would be good, right? Over the last three years, getting my MBA has put a definite kibosh on fun. I've been going to class, or doing homework for class, or thinking about class all that time. My spring break never lines up with the kids spring break. I can't remember the last real family vacation that we've had.

So... heck yeah! Let's find the best barbeque in the midwest. I'm up for it.

Tonight, Courtney asks: "Why are you writing a blog? We haven't even started doing this. Why don't you wait until we actually go to one or two places?"

Yes, that would be the safe, non-spontaneous thing to do. Heck with that.
